Light level needed for coraline algea?


Active Member
I purchased a large beautiful Tonga live rock yesterday .......about 17lbs. It is covered with coraline algea and has very nice holes and a very beautiful structure. I put the rock and twenty pounds of live sand in a twenty five gallon tank with a new bicolor blenny to quarrantine the blenny. I have a larger tank on order and plan in about a month to add one or two more fish to the twenty five gallon quarrantine tank to prepare to add the new fish and the old fish in my main tank (40 gallon) now at the same time to the new tank in about 6 weeks. I am trying to cycle the live sand enough in the twenty five gallon tank so that I can throw away the crushed coral in my main tank now. I will add more sand in a few weeks.
Anyway, my question is will the coraline algea on my new $90 rock die without much light? I just have regular florescent lights on the little 25 gallon. Should I order the power compacts for the new 65 gallon tank now and set them over the twenty five gallon now with only one half of the lights on to keep the coraline alive? Do you think the blenny will make it through the mini cycle that the quarrantine tank may go thru if it is just him and the live rock and sand? I did not cycle this tank before he was put in, but figure with the live sand and live rock (cured at LFS) and just one fish he will be ok. i am checking the amonia levels and nitrite daily. I have a hang on filter with a biowheel on the little tank also.
What do you think? Lesley

bang guy

Light demands of Coralline are a controversial subject. My opinion is that different coralline algae species thrive under different lighting conditions. Something will grow and take over under your NO lighting.


Active Member
I have a 65w Lights of America (6500K) outdoor spotlight fixture over my refugium and I have all kinds of coraline growth in my fuge. If your Alk & Calcium are high enough you could probably grow coraline with a flashlight!:)


the first PC lights I added to my tank where 5500k daylight bulbs and coraline and other things grew like wild fire under them, I had plates and layers of coraline growing off my rock. since then I've changed to 10,000k daylights which looks better but the coraline seems to have slowed down in growth quite a bit.