Originally Posted by
westwind77 http:///forum/thread/384666/light-problem-i-need-advice#post_3370910
I do not know where you got that information but I do not think it is correct! I had the original 10000k bulbs replaced within a few months with AQUAMAXX 14000k bulbs (250w), had those in for over a year and wanted something a little less 'blue' so I JUST replaced them with the HAMILTION 140000k bulbs (250w). The bulbs all ignite and power up just fine. Where are you getting your information about the bulbs from???
I have mine suspended using the hanging kit that was offered as an assecory for the light system, works perfect, although a pully system would be even better....hmmm......
As far as going out of business, that I dont know, but I doubt it. Oh, and I also replaced my Coralife CF 420's with Current USA's 420's and those work perfect too.
I bought Phoenix bulbs and I had ballast problems. The lady from what used to be Coralife said that any bulbs that were not self starting would have half life if they worked at all. and blamed my Phoenix bulbs on why the light didn't work right. She sent me a coralife bulb and what do you know...it worked.
She then explained that coralife uses a pulse starting system and the bulbs needed to be self igniting. The insides of the coralife bulb is in fact different than the Phoenix. I got my Coralife Elite for $500.00 they were on sale big time because they are out of business and sold out to whoever the heck they sold it to and I talked to their Rep that day.
I admit my Coralife CFs worked without a flaw. Not so the master controller, it worked for 1 year and the timer for the actinic gave out. I'm not happy with the 250 HOB skimmer either.