light question???

i have a FOWLR tank 20lbs live sand 10lbs of live rock. i know lights are an important part of the life cycle of the tank and have full spectrum florescents right know. I really like the way actnitic lights look. the room the tank is in is really bright with sun during the day. my question is can i take out the florescents and just have actnitics run 10 hours a day??? i seen tanks with both act., flo.,halides running, but i really like the blue look. should i just add the 50/50s?? stay with the florescents.???can someone suggest something that would work?


For fish only, lighting isn't extremely important. Run with what you want. If you want to run just actinic, go right ahead, it won't hurt anything.
- Og :)

mr . salty

Active Member
The sand wont be affected,but in the long run your rock wont be as full of coraline,and other growth as you may want...That is why I have MH over my FOWLR/LS...
wont the sunlight already in the room make up for the spectrum that is missing from the florescents if i take them out and just add the actnitics?? will a 50/50 give the same effect??