Light Question


Hi you all it's been a while since I have not post a picture of my 125g reef tank due still work in progress. As of right now I still gathering information and learning how to do a reef tank, still gathering equipment, and still a lot of learning to do. Well my question do is about the lighting that I bought. The lighting is 72in OUTER ORBIT 3X150W 10K HQI-MH W/ 8X39W T5 HO & 24 LUNAR LIGHTS for my 125 reef tank and total watts is 780. I just want to see other people's opion on this lighting good or bad. Did I make mistake using this type of lighting. A lot of people saying that they like this lighting. Also I see other people are using this version of light. The types of coral that I would like to keep are mostly soft coral and couple of LSP such as hammer coral, candy cane coral, Torch Coral, frogpawn coral and other easy to maintain coral. I will try to post some picture as soon as I have complete the tank.
Thank You



I have the outer orbit 2x150 hqi on my 120. It's been up and running for about a year now with no problems do to the lighting. I don't like the 10K's that came with the fixture. Don't use the ushio lights. They doing seem to work very well with the ballast. I really like the Phoenix 14K's. Tank looks so much better and I have better growth with it.


How long do you guys run the Halides?
I have a Aqualight Pro with 2x150 Watt and 2x96 watt acs.
I only run the Halides from noon to 4:30. Initially I did that because I upgraded to the Aqualight Pro from a PC fixture, so doubled the light output and didn't want to burn my tank alive.
But now I think I may need to increase the running time of the halides.


Originally Posted by ejensen
I have the outer orbit 2x150 hqi on my 120. It's been up and running for about a year now with no problems do to the lighting. I don't like the 10K's that came with the fixture. Don't use the ushio lights. They doing seem to work very well with the ballast. I really like the Phoenix 14K's. Tank looks so much better and I have better growth with it.
Thank you for your opion. My question to you is that you said that you use the phoenix 14K's. Now is that the bulb or the ballast and also the 14k's can you give some ideas or a picture on how the light looks like. Also you said that you run your light 8 hours day is that when all the light are on or just the 14k hqi light.


For hard to keep corals 6-8 watts per gallon. Easy ones are fine with 4-5 watts per gallon. Depending on what you want to keep. Bottom line get higher wattage keep what youn want and be a happy reefkeeper.


Originally Posted by luke01
For hard to keep corals 6-8 watts per gallon. Easy ones are fine with 4-5 watts per gallon. Depending on what you want to keep. Bottom line get higher wattage keep what youn want and be a happy reefkeeper.
Thank you for you opion, but what I stated in the begining I'm not really going to a hard reef tank. I'm just want to have simple reef tank. Now some of the coral that I would like to keep such as hammer fragpawn, and torch would that he okay with this lighting. I just want to have simple coral and easy to take care. I know that these coral that I mention are some kind of hard to take care of. But mostly I want to so simple soft coral.


Originally Posted by GhettoTang
Thank you for your opion. My question to you is that you said that you use the phoenix 14K's. Now is that the bulb or the ballast and also the 14k's can you give some ideas or a picture on how the light looks like. Also you said that you run your light 8 hours day is that when all the light are on or just the 14k hqi light.

The Phoenix 14K's are the bulbs. I run them 8 hrs a day. I have the antic on a half hour before and after the HQI's. I use to have them on for 10 hours a day but I'm trying to save money on the electric bill. I'll try to post some pics but the 10K's are way too yellow for me and they drown out the antics. The 14K's have a nice blue color. What ever you do don't buy the ushio's. For some reason they do not fire very well.


Thank you for your advice about the type of bulb that I should and should not get. Now I concern is that will I be able to keep coral like hammer, frogpawn, torch coral with this light.
Again thank you. I can't wait to get my light and a picture of your tank with the 14k light


I am able to keep SPS and clams. I have a 120 gal tank that is 5 feet long with only 2 150 watt HQI's. You have another HQI and is only 1 foot longer so I would think your better off than me in lighting. The main concer in water quality. With that you can have anything in your tank.