
dr. msu-fish

New Member
Just wondering: Is protein skimming necessary for a 20gal reek system? Also, what is the reccommended lighting situation for this system (LPS and Soft)? I have only kept reef systems in 40 gal and larger, so mini-setups are unfamiliar to me.


New Member
I believe that the smaller the tank, the more need to skim. Check out the prizm skimmer for this size tank. Takes care and patients, but it works for my 55 gal. and is under 75 dollars. you do not need a high price skimmer for this size tank. you can get the best price at Big Al's online.


It depends on what kind of a bioload you intend to keep in the tank. Many people get by without skimming in all sizes of tanks.
If you keep the bioload low, have a well populated DSB and some macro for nutrient export you'll be fine...might even be a nice experiment for you.
As far as lights on a tank that size I'd go with some PC's. LOA is a nice cheap setup that would work well for you IMO.


I agree you don't need a skimmer if you keep your fish load low= 1-2 small fish. feed little good aeriation and carbon occassionally is all. But good water movement is important. If you can automate a top off that probally would be best or have a sump =keeps water more stable but if you can't just keep good water movement and pc lights will work.