Light Timers


What kind of light timers do you use for your lights. I use the ones from Lowes and I've gone through about 3 of them because they don't always turn on the lights. Some mechanism must get messed up.
What does everyone use because I need to find a better and more reliable option than what I'm using now.


Active Member
I'm using three of those boxy things with the pegs you put in the dials. They take up a lot of space, so I'm looking for something else.


Active Member
Well I got mine from Walmart for about $5.00 each. They have been working for me with no problems. Be sure that you have your timer pins fully depressed or released to meet your timing schedule. If they are plugged into a power strip, remember to reset the clock when you might turn off the power strip for maintenance procedures.


Active Member
I use the same ones. It is a box, with pegs for dials. I've boughten three, one for MH, one for white LED, and one for blue LED. I had one of them not work, or kinda work sometimes, but most of the time the little pegs wouldn't stay down so when the timer hit that peg it would pop up, and every peg after that would do the same - essentially not turning the light on.
I returned it for a full refund at walmart and got another one, now i have NO issues. I agree, they are bulky, but for the price you can't beat it. My suggestion is to return the one that doesn't work, or try other store.


Active Member
those cheapos tend to wear down the plastic push pins. i run $20 timers wired directly into the circuit. they'll last forever.


Originally Posted by LexLuethar
I use the same ones. It is a box, with pegs for dials. I've boughten three, one for MH, one for white LED, and one for blue LED. I had one of them not work, or kinda work sometimes, but most of the time the little pegs wouldn't stay down so when the timer hit that peg it would pop up, and every peg after that would do the same - essentially not turning the light on.
I returned it for a full refund at walmart and got another one, now i have NO issues. I agree, they are bulky, but for the price you can't beat it. My suggestion is to return the one that doesn't work, or try other store.
Yea this is exactly what I'm using the ones with the stupid pegs. They get messed up all the time.
Is there a digital option that anyone uses?


Active Member
Originally Posted by pokdbz
Is there a digital option that anyone uses?
The ones I the left on this picture...are from HD or Lowes. They are rated for outdoor use,so they hold up good to a SW environment. They are totally programmable and I highly recommend them. Roughly 20-30 dollars a piece....I dont remember exactally.