light upgrade

I am looking into a light upgrade so I can keep some SPS and maybe a clam. Just wondering if this would be enough on a 55 gallon. Its 2 x 150w MH and 2 110W VHO. It ends up around 9 wpg. There is also the option to get 250w metal halides on the fixture, but Im afraid it will require a chiller. Also it will be 13wpg. If I hang it from the ceiling about 10 inches from the glass will I need a chiller?
uh oh... just read jjgl's thread. hope i dont get ripped for asking a similar question...
In addition to my previous question, what spectrum would be the best. I was thinking 10k for the halides and actinic 03 for the vho. ??


Active Member
That would be a perfect lighting setup. I'm not sure if the 250w would be too much, but IMO the 150 watters would do fine.
The heating/chiller issue would depend on many things, not every tank is the same.
thanks for the response. I figured the 150's would be good. Im pretty sure thats what Ill go for.
Any reccomendations on what color of halides? 10k,13k???20k?


Active Member
I'd go with 10K's if your going to run vho actinics. On my 55g I currently have two 250w MH 10K's with two 110w vho super actinics. Here's a picture of the left side of my tank.