Lighting a big tank, debate probably

sal t. nutz

I know the "Watts per gallon" formula for most corals and inverts, but I have a different question. I find it hard to believe that say 440 watts is not enough light for a 250+ gallon tank just because of the gallons. I am purchasing a 300 gallon tank, and I currently have a anemone, that is doing well in my 55 gallon with 220 watts. I want to get good lighting for my 300 without going MH. My question I guess is, is there a point in tank size that the watts per gallon basis can't be used because it would just be too many watts to try to attain? It seems like the 4 watts per gallon I need to support an anemone in which would be 1200 watts in my 300 gallon, seems rediculous. Seems like 440 watts would still be plenty. Any thoughts?

sal t. nutz

That is totally off the subject, however, I was told that meat eating fish won't really mess with cleaner shrimp, as they instinctivly know that it is a beneficial creature to their well being. He doesn't seem to bother them at all right now, and even lets them clean him.

bang guy

If you put all 440 watts in one corner and have the rocks stacked up the anemone will do fine. The number of gallons in that case would be irrelevant. But if you want the whole tank habitable by light loving creatures you're going to need a LOT more light than 440 watts. IMO VHO isn't going to penetrate the height of that tank unless it's all Actinic.

sal t. nutz

The issue is, that the canopy that is coming with the tank isn't high enough to put in MH lighting. It is an acrylic tank so that would cause big probs. I don't have the money to get a new canopy, and DIY canopys look like crap IMHO. I'm sure some carpenters can make nice ones, but I can't. So, I am kinda stuck with VHO, as I can cool that very easily with a couple of fans from servers I can get from work. I was going to use 4 110 48" VHO bulbs. I have no plans for corals, just want it to support the anemone, and I also like the look of a very bright tank. My 55 had normal lighting before I got VHO, and as soon as I hooked up the VHO, it made me love my tank 50X more.
That being the case, BangGuy has the right idea. Put your vho directly over the things that need the light, and put whatever else you can fit with lighting you can afford.
The corals an anemonies will have to be high up in the tank, still.
You will be very limited.