Lighting a refugium...24/7???


I have added a HOB refugium on my 54 to help reduce nitrates...I have been
lighting it opposite the main tank but have not noticed much of a drop yet. Would it
help to keep it lit all the time? Would this effect my pod population?


Originally Posted by dynagirl
I have added a HOB refugium on my 54 to help reduce nitrates...I have been
lighting it opposite the main tank but have not noticed much of a drop yet. Would it
help to keep it lit all the time? Would this effect my pod population?
it is recomended that u have it on 24/7 but i turn it off at daytime and on at nightime


Originally Posted by dynagirl
I have added a HOB refugium on my 54 to help reduce nitrates...I have been
lighting it opposite the main tank but have not noticed much of a drop yet. Would it
help to keep it lit all the time? Would this effect my pod population?

I use spaghetti algae and they hide in it all day and night. If they have a safe place to move around they should be fine. My 55gal does well and it is only lit 12-14 hours daily but I have alot of macro in it.


Active Member
I run mine like this just so the pods have a little bit of get it on time:
during the day all lights are on
5pm: actinics only in the display and fuge lights off
9pm: all display tank lights off fuge on
8am: actinics only on in display and fuge lights off
9am: all lights on
Basically anytime the daylights are on my fuge lights are on so the macro can compete with tank algae.
anytime my actinics only are on my fuge lights are off so pods get 5hrs total to do whatever it is they do in the dark (4hrs in the evening and 1hr in the morning).
and at night just the fuge lights are on so macro can outcompete tank algae. I use cheato. doing this my pod population has skyrocketed.


STANLALEE Check out my video on the New hobbist forum...look for the tittle VIDEO !!
tell me how you like it and please dont be like the FISH NAZI crew !!
just enjoy it you know !!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by yupi1982
STANLALEE Check out my video on the New hobbist forum...look for the tittle VIDEO !!
tell me how you like it and please dont be like the FISH NAZI crew !!
just enjoy it you know !!!

I did see the video, it looks GREAT! makes me want to try and experiment more with so called non reef safe fish in my future aqauriums. You have all the do's and donts yet it works fine.


I'm a little confused on this. What kind of lights do you have on your fuge? Do they have to be high powered, or can it be any sort of plant light?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sea_Star
I'm a little confused on this. What kind of lights do you have on your fuge? Do they have to be high powered, or can it be any sort of plant light?
depends on what kind of macro/plants you are trying to keep. I only know cheato doesn't require a lot of light. 18-36w of pc lighting should work fine. lighting in the 6500k range grows it faster than typical 10K saltwater bulbs. I use a coralife 18w mini freshwater pc aqualight. its about $25 and only 9x5" and 2" thick.