Lighting Advice Needed..........


I need some advice, I currently have a 5 year old 90 gal cube 24x24x24 tank. It`s a fish only tank, but Now I want to convert it to a reef. Right now it has 24" PC and need to Know what type of MH should I use ie. how many,watts,etc.
ps. Also has a canopy 6" high thx in advance :confused:


Are you sure thats 90g? Those dimensions sound kind of small, like in the 60gallon range.
I'd go with one metal halide, possibly 250w with 2 - 24" VHO atnincs.


yep its a 60 gallon and you could probably get away with one 250w halide or even a 400w would be better. along twith the pc i'm assuming.

bang guy

it's abpout 7.5 gallons per cubic foot. You have 8 cubic feet so that's about 60 gallons of capacity.


Active Member
What are you planning on keeping?
One 250wt halide or one 400wt halide should be fine for that tank. Each bulb should illuminate around 24" of space.


What would be really cool for us newbie if we had a chart...What I mean by that is depending on how many gallons we have you guys could tell us what kind of lighting to use and what we can keep in it...i.e a reef, fish/reef, if we want a clam..
I don't know...maybe that is too much...I know some of you guys are really knowledgeable on this stuff...and it would not take you anytime at all to accomplish this for us.
We can always refer to it if we want to expand into the reef world.
Just a thought,


I am so sorry:eek: :eek: I posted the wrong dimensions about my tank here are the right ones 36x24x24 again ( slump shoulders)I am sorry for the confusion.
But I do feel you T.D. I am on a mission to supply that info for my fellow peeps peace:cool:


Charts are like watts per gallon. They really don't mean much. Light is weird stuff it does not diminish or dilute in a linear manner. A lot depends on your tank's dimensions, how far the light source is from the coral etc. Unfortunately there are no easy answers. The best thing, until you get a feel for it, is to simply post what tank you have, what you want to put in it and analyze the answers you get. Even then you will get differring opinions on what the best configuration will be.
Good Luck!


Im interested in switching from all fish to reef too. Been doing some reading, and this is what I have gathered so far.. first of all like it was stated above theres no "chart" to insure a perfect set up for yours or my tank. And saying that this is what I have come up with :)
each MH bulb will cover the top surface area of your tank that is 24"x24" (2 foot square) if yo have a tank that is 24" x48" you need 2 bulbs. 3 bulbs if its 72'' long.
now the power of the bulb in watts is for depth of the tank. My info, if I understand any of this correctly says, a 12'' to 18'' deep tank you could get away with 175 watts of MH lighting ber bulb.
18'' to 24" deep is 250 watts per bulb. Tanks 24" and deeper 400 watts per bulb.
as stated above there is no hard rule here. You could have a 400 watt in a 18" tank, or a 250 in a 30" depending on what your corals and other life need. The lesson I have learned is dont worry about gallons or watts but how much penatrating light will my corals need to survive. (Thats why the smarter guys, allways ask, what do you plan on having in your tank).
number of bulbs for surface space, power of light for depth.
Best I can do till I learn more ;/


Just an added question while reading all of this, generally how long do you all keep your MH on a given day?


Thanks MarVida
Thanks for the chart Kipass1430.
It looks like I be able to get a few corals, before I have to explain to the wife, I need to spend more money for lighting the tank. (again)