Lighting and Additive Question


I have two uestions
1)What type of lighting is best (I would like a relatively inexpensive suggestion as I know lighting can be expensive) for a fowlr when I want the coraline to spread from the LR to the base rock.
2)What additives could be used to help the coraline grow (I don't currently have fish in the tank as it is new and I am cycling..


I had another question: The salt I use in my tank ( Can't remember the Brand) states it already has Calcium and magnesium in it. I believe the figures are Calcium 420 and magnesium around 1100-1200. I am just going by memory so the magnesium # might be off. Should I add anything to help the coraline grow.


Active Member
Honestly if you do not plan to put corals in the tank then just simple NO (normal output) flourescent lights are great. They are cheap to use and cheaper to replace. To get coralline to grow you will need bulbs made for saltwater aquariums, I like one bulb to be a 10k daylight bulb and the other to be a 03 actinic.
As far as additives, you should have a test kit for pH, alkalinity, and Calcium. If these three levels are in a good range then the coralline will grow. pH should be around 8.2 alkalinity should be around 3.5 or 9 dkh, Ca should be around 450, if you have these readings and proper lighting then the coralline will spread as long as you have some LR with coralline on it already. Good water flow through the tank is important also.


Thanks as far as the Calcium, PH and alkalinity as the optimum level or are they high. In other words if my calcium is 440 is that good or bad...
Also what test are important. I know salinity, trates, trite, ammonia, and ph. what other ones should I do or as long as those are correct will the others should be ok. I just done want to buy and do buy unnecessary test kits and do unnecessary test .


Active Member
440 calcium is just fine, if it drops below 400 then I would correct it. But all three are connected (pH, alk, Ca) so you need to test them and adjust alk and Ca as needed.


Sorry, I added this to the post you were replyingto while you were replying:
Also what test are important. I know salinity, trates, trite, ammonia, and ph. what other ones should I do or as long as those are correct will the others should be ok. I just done want to buy and do buy unnecessary test kits and do unnecessary test .