lighting and clean-up for a 30


i was wondering what kind of lighting is necessary for a 30 gal FOWLR. i have decided not to do corals b/c of money. also what kind of clean-up crew will i need. i plan on having 2 clowns and a flame angel.


Active Member
if no corals i would go with a P/C (power compact). this means no clams too. its what ever amount of watts you want now. more watts the prettier


Active Member
when i had i 30g i had 2 jumbo snails and around 10 turbos. I had about 10 crabs too. I also got a cleaner shrimp. Not needed but adds to the help. Also like teh way they looked. thats all i can think of. Something to help with nitrites is a cleaner clam. Just research first then have fun. If i think of anything else iwill let you know oh yeah with the cleaner shrimp they require the proper Iodine levels to molt properly too. snails build onto their shells by calcium and if you watn coraline algae use purple up. It worked really good for me.


Active Member
i would say not to get a clam of any sorts unless you are going with MH lighting....a lot of times cleaner clams and such will just buy themselves, you'll never see them and they will die and pollute your tank...i have a 30g tank...i have a full blown reef though....i run no skimmer hang on only....its been set up for about a year...i have about ten hermits, four emerald crabs,six snails a mixture of a bunch, a cleaner shrimp,and a lawnmower blenny....that is my clean up crew....then i also have a few fish....very over stocked but they are all happy and have been prospering for a year....also all my levels are perfect....


Active Member
i didn;t think a cleaner clam needed light. all they do is filter. they are extremely cheap adn can be found on this website.


Active Member
i do not know about the lighting with cleaner clams...but i believe a cleaner clam is basically the same as a clam you buy at your grocery is a very meaty thing to have die in your a tank as small as 30g that could easily send trates through the roof


Active Member
cleaner clams though probably wouldn't need light because a lot of times they bury themselves....