Lighting and Corals


New Member
Hello. I have 2 10,000 K and 2 Attinic Power Compact lights. All four lights are 65 Watts each. The depth of my tank is about 23 -25 inches.
Since I have a total of 65x4= 260 watts what kinds of coral could i keep?
Brain Corals?
Candy Cane Corals?
Trumpet Corals?


Those corals should be fine as well as blastos, zoas, leathers, mushrooms, etc. You can keep most softies and LPS just no SPS, clams and anemones as 05x said.


New Member
The key to PC's is change them regularly. As for SPS I would only keep them under halides. I would use caution with LPS corals unless kept high in the tank. Maxima, Crocea clams not a good idea however you should be ok with gigas clams. until it outgrows your tank