lighting and corals


Is nova extreme T5 4x 54w is enough light for leather toadstools and mushrooms plus xenia?
the configuration
2x Super Actinic 420 nm T-5 HO Fluorescent Tubes 48" 54W
Actinic White 12000°K T-5 HO Fluorescent Tubes 48" 54 watt
AquaSun 10000°K T-5 HO Fluorescent Tubes 48" 54 watt
the light is 3" above the water
temp always at 78 sometime float to 80


Active Member
That light will be fine for softies like leathers, mushrooms, xenia, etc. You could also keep LPS and possibly SPS if they are near the top of the tank. You'd want to go with the PRO version or a different fixture with individual reflectors if you want SPS, clams and anemones anywhere in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
That light will be fine for softies like leathers, mushrooms, xenia, etc. You could also keep LPS and possibly SPS if they are near the top of the tank. You'd want to go with the PRO version or a different fixture with individual reflectors if you want SPS, clams and anemones anywhere in the tank.


Yer can'y go wrong with T5 HOs.
I have a 55g with one 48" T5 pair and 2 24".
Everyone is happy.
Hard and soft correls.
BUT! Ill say this much.
I had one tube go out... one of 6..
I didnt knotice until one of my LPS started to die off.
(got it back though!)


Active Member
with that light fixture, any softies will do fine. but as stated above, try to invest in a t5 with individual reflectors. that way, u can hv lps, sps, and clams in the future. over a 90 tho, u should hv at least 6 bulbs.