lighting and flow question


New Member
i have a 30 gal dt ive bought a 385w light for it its 250 metal hal and 135 compact would u call it lom,med or high lighting ?
also what power head would u suggest for a 30 gal tank im looking mainly at soft coral srry for no tech terms im kinda noob, polups mushrooms and such


That would be considered high lighting.
As far as flow, different people prefer different brands of power heads. I'm partial to Tunze's nanostreams myself. But a lot of people like simple maxijets.
Have at least 2 powerheads for a variety of current direction.
You want a total of "at least" 300 gph. and I stress AT LEAST. But as previously mentioned... at least 2 powerheads.
I reread your post and you said, no tech terms... GPH, may be considered one. It's Gallons Per Hour and that rating is listed in the specs of every powerhead. If your holding the box, you will see the number advertised on it somewhere.