Lighting and water flow


New Member
Hey folks, I could use a little advice here
I have had my tank running for a while but haven't had the time to get too many additions. I want to finally begin the reef part or the reef tank I have always wanted. Everything I have read says that for a succesful reef, adequate lighting and water flow are imperative so the question is what do you all suggest for a 75 gallon tank (48"Lx18"Wx20"D) as far as lighting and water flow are concerned.


Active Member
For lighting I would go T5 personally. The 5 bulb aquactinics TX5 fixture, or a 6 bulb TEK fixture would work fine, and wouldn't give you any limitations as to what you could keep.
For flow, it really depends on what you're stocking. I'm guessing that you're going to start with softies and lps. You're going to want in the 20x turnover per hour range, so about 1500+gph. Along with the return from your sump/fuge (if you're running one), I'd use two tunze nanostream 6045's, or two koralia 2 or 3's (not too familiar with these). Maxijets are also great powerheads, two 900's or 1200's would probably work well.


Active Member
GO BIGGER THAN YOU NEED FOR BOTH! That's what I've learned... if you just get what you need to get by, you'll end up wishing you just went ahead and got the better lights/powerheads... I've got 4x 4ft 54w T5 lights (retrofit) and now I'm upgrading my powerheads to Koralias - #3 and #4. I now wish I would have left enough room in my hood to add a metal hallide bulb. I would've gone with 2x T5's and 2x MH's if I could do it over again.


New Member
Thanks guys, I was thinking of going with some power compacts but it looks like they don't pump out enough lumens.
I appreciate the help.


New Member
I was proabably looking at the PCs because they are a lot cheaper. I want to do this right so I will just wait a little longer to save the extra money to buy a good T-5 fixture this way 6 months down the road, I don't have to get rid of the PC and buy the T-5.
In the flow calculation, do you count the flow going into your protein skimmer? With that, my sump, and the couple power heads I already have in place I am at a little over 20x.


Active Member
I wouldn't count the flow in the skimmer, being that it is contained in the skimmer, and the only flow in the tank itself is the return from the skimmer - but I guess the return gph is the same as the pump to the skimmer... I dunno.... I don't count mine.
And by the way - I got my 4x 4ft 54w T5 retrofit kit with full reflectors for $245 after shipping, just to give you an idea of price.