Lighting Choices >>Need Your Help


Okay, Ive got a mature 55 gal aquarium set up with corals and fish but I want to get like a 75 or 90 in the near future. I am in the planning stages right now. I want a nice tank and oak stand and canopy. Right now I'm leaning towards the 72 gal bowfront. Can anyone suggest a set of lights for me?
Right now I am looking at the Custom Sealife MH/PowerCompact setup: two 175 watt 10,000 k and two 65 watt 7,100 K======Is this enough light for a 75-120 gal reef tank? I want to keep a variety of corals. This tank will be my display in our family room for all of our guests.


Active Member
I too would go with 250w's. 175w may limit you somewhat if you decide to go with clams, etc...


Active Member
If I were you I would do a DIY it really isn't that hard, most of the retro kits come plug and play. you would just have to build the canopy, better anyway IMO. I would definitely go with the 250w MH two of them either VHO or pc's for actinic. I have a nano set up with pc lights and my 58 set up with MH and VHO, I like the color on both, I couldn't really tell you one over the other, but alot of people prefer VHO actinic over pc actinic.


Active Member

Originally posted by karenjo
I cant find them. Ive looked and looked. Also, is 700 too much for the 175 watt combo?

WAY TOO MUCH .... you can do a retrofit kit for $500 plus shipping with 2 10K 250 W MH bulbs and 2 URI Actnic bulbs.
Check around on-line for different retrofit kits. You might say "hello lights" and add a .com ....
just saying most on-line places will have a retrofit section .... do that - get a 46.5" reflector with 2 XM 10K bulbs and a fan and 2 46.5" URI VHO bulbs .....


If your 72 gal tank is a bow front like the one I had. You will need a tall hood for the top. My Bow didn't come with a tall hood. It only had a glass top. I know their is a different manufacture that makes one with a tall hood. I got rid of my bow front with in a years time. The space on top was very limited for lighting. I had PC's on it and the system was very tight fitting for my tank. The top glass was limited on opening space because I had to have the fixture as far forward as possable. That way the front of the tank didn't look shadowed. If your tank has a hood. THen With the limited space because of the design of a bow front. I would go with 2 250 w MH's and 1 retro kit for T-5's That would suppliment your actinics. Put one of those bulbs across the front and back, and space out the MH's in the center. With that setup you should be able to keep anything you want. The T-5's are great also. They are smaller bulbs but the reflector makes them about the size of a VHO, but they are brighter IMO and are supposed to last longer and use less energy. YOu can even get them in 80 watts per bulb in 48 in. now instead of 54 now. This setup would work for your tank size range. I would definately go with the 250w MH's over the 175's.


I know this one:D
A retrofit kit is when you buy
the ballast, light socket, plugs,
and bulb unasembled, and you
screw it to your canopy anyway
you please. Its cheaper that way.
MH must be about 6"-8" above your
tank, you have to have a tall canopy
like 12" tall.