Lighting Confusion


New Member
We took a trip to the LFS today to pick up the light we had finally decided on for our 75 gallon tank. We were going with the Nova Extreme Pro T5 (6X54 watts). On the phone, they had it in the back, but when we got there, they didn't have one in stock. The salesman said that we would have difficulty mounting it to the top of the canopy and would need to cut holes in the side for air vents. He mentioned another light they had there, 4 bulb light...easy to mount to the top of the canopy, but we had never heard of this particular light so we didn't buy it. We are going to call and get all the specifics about it tomorrow, so we will post the info then and get your feedback on it. They are ordering the Nova Extreme for us to look at but we are not obligated to it.
Question: What would be anyone's suggestion for a light for our 75 gallon tank that we can easily mount to the top of the canopy. We are trying to stay around $350.00 if possible. We will have coral and fish in the tank.


New Member
The light that the LFS salesman recommended is a Hagen Glo Retro Fit. 48 inch T5HO. 4x54
Would like your input please. Does anybody have any experience with this light?


Go with the nova extreme pro, dont settle on lesser fixture i have this light and dont see how it would be "difficult" to mount under a canopy as i am building one right now. this is a really good light and i always recommend it to people who are thinkin bout gettin one you wont be dissapointed


Active Member
You want a retro fit T5 fixture if your going with the T5's. The Hagen is not going to do the job. Those are Normal output T5's. Not High output. You want T5HO.... Installing a assembled fixture inside a canopy is not a good Idea and will void some warranties. Any of the retro fit T5 kits would do you well. You'll want 6 lamps to be able to keep anything, UNLESS you go with the Ice Cap retro, then you will only need 4 lamps, but will have a shorter lamp life. Bulb selection, quality of reflector are very important parts to a good T5HO set up. The Sunlight Supply retros are good, as well as the ice cap retros. There may be another brand or two, but those are the only ones I'd recommend. You should be able to meet your budget .
Hey, I just got a new light fixture for my 55g. I had to use a Dremel tool and cut out half of the front and rear side support just so my light would fit. I now have to cut the front side supports a little higher in order to flip my light upwards. I can't even get my hand in my tank without taking off the canopy.
So I guess I'm saying... give yourself some room for your arm width too. and/or pipes in the back of the tank! I got a coralife PC 4 bulb fixture. I think they are about the same width. I didn't have to worry about the fans on the side. Mine are on top