Lighting Decision


I have had my fifty five gallon tank running for a good while now but yesterday, the top light accidently fell into the tank, while plugged in. Of course, I ran to the garage and found the switch that controls the current in my room, turned it off and then safely removed the light fixture from the water, however I will now be purchasing another light to fit my hood and I've run into a bit of a decision making problem. I want to be able to have the aquarium light on at night, while I'm sleeping. But the fish don't appreciate that. So, I was wondering if I could get a moonlight type of light and use that instead of the fluorescent bright one that was in there. Does anyone have any ideas? Always, I'm rather confused about the airstone I'm trying to hook up for my freshwater tank. Its in a rock, with a artificial plant attached near the holes for bubbles, and I have airline tubing, but what do I need to hook the tubing up to for the flow of bubbles? A pump? What kind? :help: :notsure:
P.S. Hurricane season just started a couple of days ago, and since my neck of the woods in Fl got hit by all three of the more important hurricanes, plus some really strong storms in between, what can I do to make sure my fish and tank will make it through? Is there any type of battery opperated filter or something to use when the power is out? I know the generator will be busy doing other things should the power go out.


well first, its an air pump, u can get it at any pet store. 2nd, u can get power compacts with moon lights built into the fixture. but u can just buy a moonlite strip that fits under the lights. if u just want normal output lights. y do u want the lights on at nite? and the only real battery powered filter i saw was a battery air pump, u hook up to an airstone. but if the power is goin to be off for days i would hook it up to the generator.


Yeah, thanks for the clear up on the air stone. No , I don't really want the normal, bright floreouscent lights, but I wasn't sure if my fish would flourish with just a moonlight type of light for the tank...there is plenty of sunshine in my room, just not directly in my tank during the day. Thanks for replies.


no i think u need a light for the fish. unless u have alot of sunlight, but then u are goin to get algae. so i would get some kind of lighting for the day and moonlights for the nite.


The sunlight in my room is really intense...central florida is pretty hot and sunny. I have twin french doors and a large window and between the two I get a TON of light. The tank, should I pull up the blinds and curtains, would be right in the light. But the reason I don't is because of alge growth. So, I guess the best bet is to go with a moonlight and a day light. Thanks.