Lighting for 29Gal Reef



I have a 29 gallon tank and I wish to have a little reef tank in there. I wanted some good lighting for the finer corals and inverts and I was wondering what type of light, brand, ect would be good for this tank size. Another factor is it can't be something that'll break my pocket book, i.e $295. If anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciate.;)


It is a little harder to run a reef in a small tank like that. If I were you, I would buy 2 65watt power compact retros or complete kits. I use these and they are made by Custom sea life. You will be a little over 4 watts per gallon. THis would be fine for most polyps, mushrooms, some softer corals. And these would not be too expensive and they do not get nearly as hot as Metal Halides which I think we be good for a tank that size.


Don't know if you have a canopy or not for the tank, if not, can you build one?
Personally, if I was going to drop close to 300 bucks on lighting... only ONE way I would go. I'd buy a 250 watt MH retro kit with a 10,000K bulb... (can pick this up online for around $225, give or take a few bucks and still have enough money left over to buy materials for a 12" tall canopy... SWEET!
This setup would broaden your choices for corals considerably.


I would go with 250 watt metal halides and i think you should go for 250 instead of 175 is that it doesnt relaly cost that much more. ALso soon you will catch the sps bug (small Polyped Stony) These corals are beautiful. I say go get yourself the retrofit metal halide system


Active Member
VHO... that would be my choice. Better spectrum of light and more eye pleasing IMO..
As far as price. They are a little more expensive than PC but a better light if you ask me.


Active Member
I would go with a single MH, watttage would really depend on what corals you plan on keeping, or 2-4 VHOs. HTH


After weeks of research I went with vho's but pc's are just as good and an mh combo would be the best choice but heating is a factor that you will have to consider. During the summer months my tank temps reach 86-87 even with a cooling fan and a partly air conditioned room. That is the main reason I steered away from the mh alternative. While you can't support certain sps and clams you will still be able to keep the softies and most hard corals.

cap'n pete

I have 2x55W power compact retrofits by Custom Sealife (a great company). Cost me about $140.00 and I can keep all but the most light demanding coral and clams. I still have room for a MH lamp and may add one in the near future. IMO PC's are as good if not better that VHO's and a lot less expensive. You would spend your budget on a ballast alone for VHO. The problem with NO, HO, and VHO is that if a bad bulb is run on the ballast it can cause permanent damage to the ballast and the lights will never burn at peak again. A bulb with dark ends or visible current needs to be replaced, and most hobbyist don't because of cost or tha fact that "the bulb does not need replaced for 10 to 12 months". In my experience, PC bulbs run near peak for the entire 10 to 12 month period, are cooler, and take up less space for the same light output as VHO bulbs. I would recommend MH for anyone wanting to keep clams or SPS coral, with actinic supplement. PC now are available at 460 nanometer wavelength and are as good as Actinic 03 (430 nanometer) for good penetrating light. As with anything, all lighting is not the same and you usually get what you pay for. A good MH and ballast will put off a lot of heat but not as much as a low quality bulb and ballast.
My recommendation:
A 175W 20,000K metal halide retrofit with 2x32W PC actinic from Custom Sealife- $282 plus S/H


Active Member
I know its yalls opinion, but Im curious as to why everyone seems to think that VHOs are much more expensive than PC, IME PC is more expensive, especially when it comes to replacing the bulbs. Not to mention that fact that it takes more bulbs to light a tank with PCs vs VHO, for example a 55 would require at least 4 55-65 watt PCs, vs 2 48" VHOs. Im also pretty sure that VHOs run much cooler than PCs, of course I talking when the VHOs are run on an electronic ballast as are the PCs. I agree VHO bulbs will turn black on the ends if they are run on a tar ballast and not replaced after about 6 months, if not less, but on an electronic ballast they produce almost no heat, and only need replace about once a year. t really depends on the ballast, as with all lighting systems, not whether its PC, VHO, or MH.

cap'n pete

Just did a quick search for VHO ballasts and found an Icecap for $155. BTW Icecap is about the only ballast I consider good. Of course that doesn't include and bulbs, encaps, reflectors, etc.. Of course if anyone has gotten a VHO system that works well and was cheaper I'm sure Irenicus would appreciate you posting your personal experience. I am just concerned with having enough room for MH.


Active Member
I have a 29 with a 175 mh and two 24" VHOs on an advance electronic ballast, The whole set up cost me about $300, of course I bought a lot of things seperately. I also have a pair of 48" VHOs on an LN electronic ballast, that cost me less than $200 for everything, the 4 bulb kit is only $10 more and the cost of two more bulbs. Ive never used an ice cap, Ive heard mixed things on them, but they are not the only elctronic ballast, and they are definitely not the cheapest;) PCs are more compact, so they work well in tight spots.


On my mother's 29g reef I have 1 55w 50/50 pc by CSL retro and 2 20w NO (one actinic and one 50/50) under a canopy. The NO gives her tank a really nice bluish look to it that the PC alone wont. I'm making her a soft coral only tank so the lighting that I have now should be fine. Total cost is only about $100.
im happy with my 30in jbj's with 2-65 watt pcs so far i have green star polyps,mushrooms,trumpet corals and a carpet anemone