Right so I have a 30 gallon reef tank with a variety of corals. From other threads people tell me that maybe my lighting is not strong enough. How many watts would be optimal for my tank???
It depends on what you plan to keep. "Optimal" for your tank is not "optimal" for your electric bill if none of your animals need the amount of light you have.
I have 2 X 96W PC on my 30g reef. I can keep pretty much anything but clams/upper light SPS like acro's. I'm pretty happy with it but still wish I woulda just gone MH at times.
get a sunpod 30" mh fixture. I am ordering a 20" long one for my 38 cube. It's going to look nice. You may also want to look into t-5's.. They're great, low wattage, run cool, nice designs.