Lighting For A 55g

I am planning on setting up a 55g, fish and live rock, with some coral. Nothing fancy, just some zoos, etc. I know nothing about lighting so any help would be great! I would really like an actinic light or something similar. I just like the look of actinic lights. Also, the cheaper the better
If you have any suggestions please let me know. I would appreciate any input


Active Member
I think a VHO set up would work well for what you’re looking to do. I have 440Watts on my 55gal and the whole set up with bulbs was around $300 and I am very happy with it. I really like VHO because you have a wide variety of bulbs to choose from.

cda fish

Hi blue tang..I have a 55 gallon bow front tank.. started out with florcent light and two little strip lights.. after a night of reading posts and staring at my tank I new in my gut that someday I would get into a bigger tank.. therefore I put out the money and bought an aquapro HQI metal halide with floresents and lunar lights and power strip with timers..halide with floresents 150 watts 2x65 watt actinics and 470nm led night light x2 this is so nice.. lights on all the I can bump up in size on my next tank..IMO think really hard before buying just once not twice..
Thanks for your replies!
I have no plans to upgrade any time soon. I'm currently up grading from a 15g, and I'm moving that over into the 55g.
I also own a horse, so I can't really afford anything bigger than a 55g at the moment since I have pretty much no income, being in high school.
Thanks again,