lighting for a 65? (expert input)


Active Member
Hye guys,
I'm upgrading from a 20 long w/PC to a 65 all glass mega flow...I'm gonna have a sieo 820 in there too so i'll have enough flow for SPS...I'll probably do halides, maybe t-5. But what would you guys suggest for lighting in this thing? I'm looking for ideas with specific fixtures...
thanks, shane


Active Member
a seio 820 isnt enough for sps. ive got 1 of those in my 30 and its not enough by itself.
for lighting, id do 2x 175w MH supplemented with t-5s or vhos. or you can just go with the 2x 250w MH.


Active Member
I have the 36" 2x150w 14K Sunpod on my 65. Its a real nice fixture and my LFS matched the online prices. It has 18 moonlights but no actinic. The 14k bulbs are a nice blue/white. i did add a 21w T-5 actinic slimpaq for extra coloring, but the fixture is great without it.
The other fixture I consdiered was the 6-bulb Tek t-5, but I liked the shimmer effect of the MHs.
Also, for flow I have 2 tunze 6025s, MJ1200, and Mag7 return. So approx 30-35x turnover.


Active Member
well...i was just 820 would be pretty good cuz that turns the tank over liek 12.5 times/ i'm gettting the model 2 segaflow sump...i'm not sure about the return pump yet but probably a mag don't think that'll be enough flow?
I'm manily favoring the sunpod right now cuz i really liek the moonlights, their 14k bulbs have a nice color and its cheaper than doing actics (when it comes to electricity)
what do you keep in the tank gator? coral wise?


Active Member
lighting sounds fine, but the flow isnt enough, even with the mag 9.5.
maybe look into two of the bigger seios and a close loop of some type. or if you can afford it some tunze streams.