Lighting for a BTA??

Hello, i have recently set up a 12 gallon nano cube. I already have a very very small clown fish in it and a porclein crab, clean up crew and a a few softies, the reason i have all of these in already is because i used pre cycled rock,sand and water from my 125 gallon reef. But my question is about a bubble tip anemone. can i have one under two 50/50 24 watt 13 inch compact fluorescents?


I wouldn't recommended it. Those are not strong enough lights for a photosynthetic animal like a anenome.


Active Member
It can be done with what you have. My friend has 2 BTA under CF, HOWEVER they constantly are on the move because they are not happy. MH lighting is the best for Nems
ok thanks guys, that is a dissapointment. is there any kind of anemone that will host clown fish, that i can have with these kind of lights??????
No, I am sorry to say. All clown hosting anemones are light demanding although some require more than others generally CF lighting never works out.


Active Member
i have herd that if u have anemones under low light conditions then you have to feed it once every 2 days. that will make up for the low light condition
i have a condy in my 12gal nano with 4x24 watt lights and i feed it once every 2-3 days he is super brown and never moves out of his spot. + he is HUGE and getting bigger.