lighting for anemone....


Hey guys...
I have a question...I have a thirty gallon tank set up that has been set up for about six months now, and I am looking to add an anemone and a pair of clown fish...
I have a 100 gallon protien skimmer and a 100 gallon filter on the tank and about 50 lbs of live rock.. I need to know what kind of llighting (like in English) that I need to put on my tank...:rolleyes: I'm not too good with figuring watts and all that mess...
I also need to know if it's the bulbs only that I need to buy, if I can put whatever bulbs that I need into the hood I currently have.
Or if I need to buy a new hood to hold the bulbs as well?
Any help would be greatly appreciated..


Active Member
I think that a 150W HQI pendant would work great for what you want. That will work for most all but the most demanding anemones. The HQI (or double ended bulbs) put out more light per watt and they use less electricity. With a single pendant, you suspend it abouve the tank (about 8" from water surface). If you look on any of the major online aquarium supply retailers, they have several of what you are looking for.
As far as the color goes (the K rating), that is personal preference. A 20,000K is a pretty blue light while 10,000 is virtually pure white. I prefer something in the middle (13,000 or 14,000K)

jimmy g

Go with the 175 Watt 10K XM metal halide bulb and some actinic PC's....Thats what I have on my tank and I love it. I also have a 65 Watt 10K PC.