Lighting for anemones


What would be the best lighting for a rtb in a 55 gal tank???? I have coralife 4x65 pc's right now...Is that enough??? Thank you :joy:


That should give you about 4.7 watts per gallon. Now this might be fine for regular brown/tan or green BTA's but the RBTA seems to be a bit more touchy. I've known very experienced folks with MH/VHO or other lighting that still had problems with keeping them.
That aside, you might make it, its always hard to tell but you are in the right lighting ball park. If it were me I'd prefer a bit more lights..But with what you have you at least stand a fair chance.


Active Member
ive had my RBTA's under less wattage than that and they have survived... however my original RBTA that split into 2 was tank raised so it might have been under less wattage originally and thats why it was able to survive it....
now that i have upgraded to better lighting being originally PC to more PC now to a PC MH combo.... they are doing really good.... they have at least tripled in size .... like thomas says you are in the right ball park with lighting but its always iffy it depends on a lot of things to keep healthy anemones.... i have had 5 and 4 have survived and done very well... the one i lost was a sebae ..... the others RBTA and LTA's all have grown huge and look good.... you need a stable tank too so that they dont get stressed out....
with that wattage you should be able to keep most soft corals and LPS corals ...
ive kept bubble, frogspawn, hammer, toadstool, finger leather, xenia, zoo's, shrooms, colt, brain, flower pot (not recommended they dont survive long term) with that type of lighting ....
good luck!