lighting for anemones ?


72" 3x150watts MH fixture on a 180gal
2.5 watt MH per gal
will a bulb anemone be ok
or will all anemones be ok lot of people say yes i need a second opinion


Well depends on where the anem is located in the tank, if its high up towards the light you should't have a problem with it.


Active Member
It is very important to have high lighting for anemones because of the role of Zooxanthelle. These little guys are allgae that are hosts to alot of corals and anemones They carry out photosyntheses within the host's tissues and can produce excess quantities of nutrituos simple sugars like glucose. The host benefits from this through a process call translocation. I am still trying to understand the process, but with out these beneficiaries, the anemones and coral to no do well at all, and most die.