lighting for Caulastrea


Hi all, i just bought a caulastrea (trumpet) coral form my friendly LFS, and was just wondering how much light would be best for it. The guy there said that they don't need a lot of light, and they like a moderate amount of current. I was just wondering how true this is, so i know where to place it in my tank.

nm reef

Active Member
Hello ....and welcome to the board....I bought a small frag of a trumpet several months ago.....mine is mid reef under 260 watts pc and 220 watts vho(actinic)....current is over this particular coral is somewhat indirect..........its more than tripled in size.......once a week or so I direct feed it after lights out(feeder tentacles will come out) loves a thin slice of fresh scallop....hope this info helps ya a bit...... :cool:


yeah, definately - thanks!
i just thought of another question too... is it okay to place the coral in the substrate, or should i put it up on a rock?

nm reef

Active Member
I placed mine on the lr.....kind of in a natural hole so it wouldn't get knocked over........when I got it it was very small....and my crabs and stuff was always knocking it its stable and secure
I have mine also at mid reef and only under 165 watts of pc lighting. It is however in direct lighting. It has not grown much but when I baught it it was dying and has made a maraculous comback.


I placed it about halfway up the rockwork in semi-direct lighting, and it seems to be doing fine. It opened up last night and put it's tentacles out for feeding, so i'm assuming that's a good sign :)