Well my new lights came in yesterday. I ordered a 6' Corallife light with the lunar lights for my 180G and the 4' for my 55G. The 4' one has a nice stainless steel look to it, but I didnt realize when I ordered online that it didnt come with lunar lights.
The light on the 55G makes a HUGE difference. Its so bright in there now, I think the fish are going to need sunglasses.
One of the 10K lights was broken on the 6' fixture, so it hasnt made as big an impact on that tank. The company I ordered from said another bulb would be in the mail. I might pick one up today to use in the mean time, and will just save the other one for the future. I understand they should be replaced once a year or so.
The light on the 55G looks great, but it is nearly as big as the tank. I have to lift it up to feed the fish. How do others deal with this? Should I suspend it over the tank?