Lighting for Live Rock?


Exactly what type of lighting is required to keep live rock and still have coraline?
My tank is 48" - I am looking for a affordable light fixture.


have you decided which tank you want? FOWLR of reef? Live rock needs no light really. What makes it live is the little critters in the rock. Coraline needs nearly the same as LPS coral does. If you decide to make a reef go with a t5 setup, 54watts per bulb, 4 bulbs, and i know others will disagree but, two 460 bulbs and two 10k bulbs. Thats what i have and my open brain and long tenticle plate corals love it. Oh and the coraline growth is crazy.
P.S. Mine is a 55 gal also


I am doing a FOWLR setup. I would like to try and have some soft corals in the future...
Can I use a 10k bulb and a 50/50 bulb, total 80 watts? Is that enough?


for my i found a chepo flouresent and used that for about 6 months(saved up to get good light + tank was established enough for corals then) and i have to say i think my corriline grew faster with just 1 10,000k bulb then it has with the nova pro extream. but thats my case. i dont get the corriline all over the glass like i used to
(not that im complaining). but you should be fine if your saving up.
I have a current usa power compact light on my tank right now (which is less intense than T5's) and I am starting to have coraline growing EVERYWHERE!


Active Member
It should be enough for some soft corals, but you will be really limited on what you can get. The Coraline should grow good under that as well.