Lighting for my 49


OK I finally got my tanks, a 40 gallon breeder and a 20 gallon sump. I dont want light to limit what I can put in my tank As far as corals or anything else.
150w 175w or 250w halide and some T-5's on a home made fixed canopy with fans????? I would preferr a all in one type of light that will give me all the asp[ects of lighting I need
But to be honest I dont know what I am doing when it comes to the lighting.
So what do you all think will be the best setup? Money is a cocern but I am not in a huge hurry, so I can wait to find a good deal where needed.
I want to get this right the first time. Seen the spendy led;s they are out, everythiing else is from 80.00 to 1500.00. This is where my mind gets into over load.
The tank will have around 80 to 100 lbs of live rock including the sump.
So I thank you all for your help as I am sure it will be clearer in the morning. Thanks, Troy Time for bed I cant even type anymore,
i would try an find 200watts if you cant find some u can use the 175 metal halides with no problem i wouldnt go less this way u can hold any coral, also how deep is your tank? thats another thing u should consider. for your liverock your on the money well in my eyes you r. i love atleast 1.5 pounds of LR for every gallon i find that coral thrive in tanks with that much LR i dont know it just seems that way my buddies have 1 pound and other 1.5 an it seems like that 1.5lbs per gallon seems to work miracles in the tank. handle more bioload or something. i just dont know but your great on LR and lighting 175 is great too an how deep is your tank again?


The tank is 16" tall 36" wide 18" deep.
Wow I tried to read my post from last night and it didnt even make sense to me.
So my question is how much lighting should I have so I am not limited to what I can put in my tank. And like I said 80-100 lbs of live rock.


Active Member
t-5s man a 36" 6x39w fixture leaves u endless. and its not as expencive to keep up. bulbs last about 2 years and since u have 6 bulbs u have tons of color to choose from. and u can find bulbs from anywhere from 11$ t0 20$ but in the long run its still cheaper.
get this
36 inch Current USA 6x39W Nova Extreme Pro T5HO
or the tek