Lighting for my 55 gal


Anybody have any suggestions as to what lighting I should have for a reef tank. Right now I just have what the tank came with from walmart. Is there any good websites to find good lighting???


What kind of things are you wanting to keep in your tank? I have the same tank from Wally World, and I bought a Satellite 4x65 W unit with moonlights. It has worked great for me. I bought the light setup for $200. I just wanted to keep soft corals at first though. I have a bubble tip anemone, mushrooms, a hammer coral, zoos, and a carnation. If you are wanting to keep anemones other than the bubble or clams and such you will need much more light. Hope this helps.


I am mainly interested in the soft corals however I would like to get a carpet anenome also. May I ask...Where did you find you lighting system at?


At a fish store in San Antonio. I just happened to stop in while on vacation, but I have seen them for not too much more at my LFS. Do a google search for power compact lighting.
You would definately need stronger light for the carpet anemone though.