lighting for small reef tank



I have a 54gal corner bow. I just put new lites in. A 20 watt power glo & 20 watt marine glo. Is this gonna be enough?


i'm no expert, but i would have to say NO! i don't think that's enough light to keep mushrooms or other softies! if the odd shape is a problem, maybe you should try a 250W metal halide (12000K would be good since standard actinics are bulky). anyway, just my two cents...


thanx for info. These lites claim to make corals thrive, but my only yellow polyps are getting weak.


THE TANK IS ABOUT 4FT ACROSS THE FRONT BOW & THEN STEADILY GOES BACK TO A CORNER POINT FIT. i WAS JUST LOOKING AT HOME DEPOT AND SAW METAL HALIDES. sODIUM/ MERCURY. What does all this mean. Also what is vho.? I've had fish only for 20+ yrs but must admit this reeeeeef stuff is as new as beautiful to me . I dont have a lot of $$, but maybe I can get what I need at home depot?. Also do you think this is why my polyps are shrivveling up.
Thanks again.


HD halides and mercury wont work = wrong spectrum
look into power compact kits or VHOs . or if your prepared to shell out the $$$ MH's are an option, but the MH will use a lot of energy and will make a noticable difference on the power bill. I talked to a guy who got some for his reef and his bill went up $30/mo


Try the Custom Sea Life Prizm Pendant. It will fit your aquarium and have beautiful results. It is a bit costly, but so is replacing your corals.
Good luck, Lancer ;)


Active Member
Yellow polyps dont need intense lighting but will probably need more then what you have now.
I would look into PC lighting because they dont take up much space, are energy efficient, and work great.
Your yellow polyps will thank you for it.
[ November 13, 2001: Message edited by: twoods71 ]


Corner tanks are best lit by metal halide. One is all you need, and you will be very happy with the way it looks. It will end up costing about the same to do VHO or PC's in the long run. Also, when it's time to replace the lamps, you've only got one to replace. Don't skimp... do it right the first time. I have not used the 12,000 K lamp, and have heard of problems with it, like shifting spectrum, and even exploding lamps. I recommend the 10,000 k or the 6500 k (cheaper, and has a broader spectrum) lamps. You can and should use the 2 20 watt fluorescents for actinic lights. You already have them, and that will look good. By doing the wiring yourself, you could save a lot of money. Check at an electrical distributor in your area. I found a 250 watt MH ballast for about $60. You will have to mail order the lamp. Don't be afraid of one MH because of the power bill. If your electricity costs 10 cents per kw/hr, then you are looking at only 20 cents per day to run one 250 watt MH 8 hours (2 kw/hrs.), or about $6 per month. My electricity is about 7 cents per kw/hr. It will be just slightly higher than that since magnetic MH ballasts are not very efficient. It will burn about 300 watts in actual electricity. The "e-ballast" will run cooler and waste less electricity, only using about 255 watts, but the ballast is much more expensive. You must decide for yourself.
Good luck,