lighting for torch coral?


My LFS has a torch coral (Euphyllia
glabrescens) for sale that I want. My web reference says they need "Low to Medium" lighting. Is that what they require to survive, or what they prefer? I have 2x250 watt 12000K MH lights. Will it like the extra light, or will it get burned in my tank? Thanks.


Active Member
i can tell u this... I have a torch coral near the top of the tank... I have 2 55 watt bulbs. The torch coral is wasting away as we speak. I have 2 96 watt bulbs on their way...they will be here tomorow...i'll let you know if it looks better when i get the new lights.


Staff member
Look at the nutritional needs of the coral to see if that is being met, rather than just the lighting.


Active Member
well, i feed the tank phytoplankton. The tentacles sweep around and grab the powder when it's getting thrown around the tank by the powerhead. The only other thing i can think of is that it's been moved three was great the first spot i had was there for about a month...then i moved it to the substrate and it started dying... i moved it back up top now and it's continue to have the branches waste away. Does anyone know what else to do about this coral? My lfs owner said it's normal for some branches to die. I would rather not loose the whole was expensive and is rather large ($50) what else can i do to help save it?


Active Member
well...the place that it's in now is very close to where it was originally. it started wasting away at it's second it's in its third which is close to its first. The reason it's not exactly the same spot as it was originally is because the rocks were rearanged.


SO ...
What about the lighting rquirements for this coral???
It is compatable with my system, or sould I not put it in my tank???


I'm looking for some help on this question. Please, if you don't know, do you know where I can find out. I have searched my other www references, and they all say low to medium lighting, but none of them say if that is the minimum required for survival, or if that is what they prefer, and cannot handle strong lighting. I need to know before I decide to purchase this coral.
Thanks in advance.
From Julian Sprung----
Moderate to high lighting needs---these species rely heavily upon their zooxanthellae for survival.
Extremely agressive---will sting nearby corals
Medium-strong current.
I have never kept one, I passed on a gorgeous one a week ago. I passed him up because of the agressiveness issue, and I was afraid he would not be a good neighbor in my neighborhood!