Lighting in Appleton, WI


Hi everyone, its me again. I sold everything to my tank but the lights. I still have the 6 foot full hood with 3 175 watt medal halides, and 2 96 watt actinics. It comes with 3 ballasts, 4 cooling fans and an extra bulb. This has been used for 8 months. I will consider any serious offers. Please e-mail me at Like I siad before I really need the money for my adoption.
Thanks Dennis
By the way, for the people following the sale of my tank and know about my adoption, we heard we will be leaving for China to pick up our little girl in either late October or early November.
Have fun everyone.


How much for the lights? This sounds like something we may be interested in. We are located in Minneapolis, so Appleton is not terribly far for us.


Hi Toni, I apid $1400 for the unit, But I was told I paid to much. I was asking $700, but I got no replies yet. I was going to see what people will offer and see what happens. Like I said before, I need the money for my adoption, that is why I sold the tank, but I really do not want to give them away either. If you e-mail me, we could talk.
Thanks Dennis