lighting in canopy


going next weekend to get my reef,it will be a 75 gal rr oceanic tank, stand, canopy, oceanic sump, wet/dry filter, berlin skimmer. going for a dsb of 4" and lr to the top. my question to the bb is about the lighting.i have to keep the wife happy and she wants the top enclosed (to look more like furniture)what are some of my options with this wood all around the top when it comes to the lighting im worried about the heat build up in there


Active Member
In my DIY wood canopy, i left the back open for air cirulation. Works well for me. :)
Also, depending on what type of lighting you go with, you could add two fans to the sides of your hood for extra air curculation.


Active Member
clamchops, how many lights are you putting in the hood? Going with 96w retros? If so, you can get them for $86 each complete, at FFexpress.

nm reef

Active Member
With 4x96 pc's heat won't be a major issue....leave open space at the back and consider built in fans....but I run 4x65 watt pc's & 2x110 watt vho's on a 55 with a custom built canopy(no fans) and heat has never been an issue


Your lighting should not be a big rush. Let your tank cycle a little while with out your lights. When you build your lights leave a little room for a fan. Run your lights if you have a problem with heat you car add a fan. I know it is my tank and I would in a big hurry to. GOOD LUCK.