Lighting is stressing me out!


New Member
I have been reading everything I can get my hands on about this lighting thing, and I am still confused.
Doesn't anybody make a hood that will hold 3,4 or even 2 bulbs that is not brand specific so I don't have to spend a fortune and can replace them cheaply in the future!
I would kind of like corals, but right now it's just FOWLR (got my LR from today) however, I want an anemone, so I need more light.
Could you guys give me the low-cost options, and if there aren't any, what SHOULD I do
I currently only have the hood that came with it with a regular 19W flourescent bulb.


What kind of lights are you looking for. I have a GE Versahood which holds 2-pc lights. It came with 2-GE 2G11 55watt 7100k lights and I replaced them with 2-Helios 55watt 7100/1200k lights. Many pc lights are interchangable, don't know much about VHO, sorry.


Are you any good at carpentry or know someone who is? You can build a simple hood real easy and cheap and then buy a lighting kit to install yourself. Its not hard at all. Check out some of the lighting specialty shops online. are just a few they have kits, hoods, lamps you name it.


Active Member
yes check out some retro fit kits, simple as can be to install into a canopy. Just a few screws and hook up the quick connect, and you have light.
Just do a google search for retro fit aquarium lighting, i would link you to the site most people use but the mods frown on that kind of stuff around here. Feel free to email me though.


JMO Lighting is the one thing you can't cut corners on if you want to keep coral cause lighting is like buying live rock,No way to get it but to spend the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
If all you have is a fowlr then you can get away with cheap lights cause fish dont need all that much.
Lighting was the worst part for me untill i desided what the hey spend the money and be done with it.
This hobby has cost me more then my wife has and thats not counting the kids hehehe.


first you have to figure out what you want to keep in corals that will tell you what lights you are going to have to have on your tank.
second prebuilt hoods cost a butt load!!!!!!!!!!
after you figure out what lights youneed you can Do It Yourself and save a bundle.
all you have to do is build a 3 sided box that will fit on top of the tank. find a place to order DIY parts and put them together most retrofit kits come with everything you need except bulbs. there are as easy to put in as a couple of screws and wire nutts.
what lights are you planning on having or what corals are you wanting to have??
so a retrofit comes with everything you need except for the bulbs, what about the watt, i want to put a variety in my 55 gl tall but im lost


it really depends on the type of lights
ex for a 55 gal thats 4 feet long
you can go a couple of MH w/Vho or PC acintic supplement
or you can go just 4 or so PC 55 watts or 96 watts
or you can go VHO with 2 or 4 4 ft bulbs.
the choices and combonations are endless.
for most SPS and clams MH lighting is suggested
for most others PC and VHO willbe more than enough for them
here is what I have in 50 gallon under 4 55 watt PC bulbs
colt coral
finger leather
cabbage leather
bubble coral
yellow polyps
zooanthid polyps
hairy mushrooms
purplw mushrooms
green and pink start polyps
acropora (high on the rocks about an inche from water line)
and all are thriving under these lights.