Lighting Patterns


New Member
I just got a new compact lighting system. I was wondering what lighting pattern i should follow. I have flouresent and actinic blue lights. Was wondering a normal lighting schedule for each. What should i set my timers to? Thanks



Dont know if this is the "correct" way but, Here is what i do. I set my blue lights to come on around 11am then my bright white lights at 12noon then i have my white lights turn off at 10pm and then my blue turn off at 11pm. I just have a couple fish in my tank so i dont know if you have different corals and such that the pattern should be different.


I do pretty much the same thing as sammy, except i shorten the amount of time that the lights are on. I turn my blue lights on at 12 noon, the whites at 1pm until 6pm and them the blues off by 7ish pm