Lighting question for 29G


Active Member
My wife has a 29 gallon tank that is currently FOWLR. We do want to eventually try adding coral and possibly an anemone for our 2 ocellaris clowns. I have been looking on-line for a 30" light and have been having some trouble in finding a reasonably priced power compact (2X65W). I was wondering if we would be able to get away with buying a 24" light instead of a 30"? There would only be 3" on each side of the light...would that make a huge difference in the health and appearance of the tank? What about placement of corals? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Well, what do you consider a reasonable price? On the very popular site I order my dry goods from there is a really good price on a dual 30" inch fixture (under $135).
The price difference between the 30" and 24" PC fixtures is only $15. Go with one that fits. With a dual PC fixture, it will put off a little too much heat to lay directly on top of a glass canopy (or whatever you have). You are better off using the mounting legs. If you are wanting to add corals and especially an anemone, you can't skimp on your lights. If you find a cheapo light that $50 less than a decent one, buy a couple of corals and an anemone, put them in your tank and they eventually die because your lights suck, you didn't gain anything by skimping on your lights. Lighting is one thing you'll have to be willing to send some cash on to be sucessful in this hobby.


Active Member
agree with brucoh---go ahead and spend the extra $15 dollars and get the right sized fixture. The overall appearance will be well worth it...