Lighting question of my own


I have a 40g FOWLR right now and was looking at making a slow conversion to perhaps no a full reef but maybe 'half a reef' over the summer. Mostly I just wanted to put in some sort of there for my clown. He was my first fish in the tank and has been in there for around 6 months. Do you think he can make a change from hiding behind the filter return lip to spending time with an anemone?
In any case, what kind of lighting fixture would it require for this or low light corals in a 40g. I am only using a 24" daylight and 24" actinic bulb right now. And is the anemone/anenome safe with a pygmy angel and sixline wrasse?


well those fish are ok with an anemone. but becareful what type of anemone u get. some dont host clowns. the bubble tip, long tentacle, sebae are the best. as for lighting ur goin to need alot. well power compact or vho, t-5. unless u wanna go all out, then metal halides are the best. but if u only wanna keep anemones and soft corals then pc,vho,t-5 are ok. but ur goin to need alot. pc i would get 2-3x96w. or 4x65w. vho 4x95w. i think ur tank is 36in? im not sure about t-5's. IMO if ur goin to spend the money on t-5 u mite as well get the metal haildes.


The best power compact I can find for a max of 36" is 2x96w. Can anyone show me some examples of their lighting fixtures on similarly sized tanks.


Active Member
A single 150W HQI MH (double-ended bulb) pendant would work great for your tank. You could also go with a single 250W MH pendant.


I would go with a MH bulb if I wasn't 17 years old. My budget is very limited and buying the PC's will probably be enough of a cost.


How about the Satellite hood? Is 168 a good price for this?
"These aquarium hoods are from the single Satellite Series features the SmartPaq Lamp (Dual 10,000K & 460nm Actinic) together with a Lunar Light to create an energy efficient, 24 hour lighting system that is packed with value. The Dual Satellite Series feature dual Daylight, Dual Actinic Lamps, and includes a fan. These are great aquarium hoods, especially for marine lighting using power compact lighting.
2X96 Watt 1-Lunar Light 37" X 7.5" X 2.75"


yea thats a pretty good price, but im only 22yr and i have mh. u just gotta know where to look. i got mine for $90 each with bulb. so if u get 1x250w mh, for $100, then get 2x65 pc for about $70 if u get a jebo and take it apart and retro fit it. then about $30 for wood to make a canopy. so u got a mh canopy for$200. unless ur not "handy", but im sure ur in high school, and if u take the measurments to the wood shop they can make it for free. ask them im sure they will.


Thanks for the tips. I'm actually very challenged when it comes to being 'handy', DYI, and setting up stuff in general. Those prices and mix of lighting sound pretty good if I can find the right pieces to mix and match. My real questions come in with the canopy setup. I'd need access to the tank through the front ideally. I could work through the side or top if needed. My tank is against the wall and I have a hang on skimmer and fiter. So it's fine if the canopy has no backing? It'd probably be better for cooling it down anyway right? I can't seem to understand how my tank is already overheated right now (82 degrees typically). My flourescent lighting is fairly cool and is rasied up off of the top of the tank. The only thing that I can imagine is overheating it are my two MJ 1200 powerheads, but I'm going to need that kind of circulation (at least) for any inverts/corals right?
As far as the canopy, how do you work in the PC's and MH in the same canopy? How high above the tank should the lighting be from the top of the tank? Is it easy to attatch the lighting to the top of the canopy and will the canopy be easily removable if I need to adjust something with the lights or inside the tank itself? Do I need room for an additional fan in the canopy? I'm just worried about maintaining proper temperature. Also, this new lighting will cause more evaporation right?
I'm sorry for sounding so ignorant. I just have no experience with this kind of lighting, canopies, etc. Plus I'm horrible at DIY projects. My stepdad could probably help me with the woodwork and such. Thanks for the help guys.


What does retrofit mean anyway? Just wondering b/c I'm finding 24" 65w PC's for around thirty bucks on ----? I must be missing something. Would that be enough to supplement the MH with or not?


well a wet dry isnt a bad idea? they really dont have any negatives. but as for the canopy the back on mine is only a 1in piece of wood for the u could use the power filter and the skimmer. and for the door its in the front so i can get into the tank when needed. and for removeing it. its possible but it takes 2 people cause the wires in the back. and my fans are hooked to the back of the 1in piece of wood. it only get about 84 degress. thats enough actinic,2x65w. thats would work. u need to take it apart and fit in into the canopy(retro fit). just the lights and the reflector. not the fixture. as for the evaporation i get about 12 gal more a day. its worth it. ur corals look so much better.


Thanks for the advice. I'm still a little lost on the retrofit. The 'fixture' is what? All I need is the ballast, bulb, and reflector? And how do I take apart the PC's?


yea, take out the screws from the ends of the fixture. take out all the ballast, bulb, and reflector. and u dont use the fixture(metal houseing). retro fit( puting the ballast, bulb, and reflector into ur own hood or canopy. then all u do is screw the reflector to the canopy and but the ballast either in the canopy or outside on the 1in piece of wood on the back(thats how i did it) so the heat isnt that bad. the mh ballast sits on the floor.


What's the best (and safest) way to secure the MH bulb into the canopy? Is it cheaper to buy the whole fixture and take it apart or buy the pieces separately? I'm trying to aim towards that $200 MH canopy. I'm assuming that I should just get the PC's thin enough so that I can put the MH and PC's side by side leghtwise in the canopy, right?