Lighting question


New Member
I am very new to saltwater fish, so any and all help is greatly appreciated. First off, I have a 46 gal Bow front tank. It has been set up for two months now. LS/LR and just added two damsels and a clown. Now the lighting I have is just a one bulb hood type. I am going nuts about what kind of lighting I really need. The pets stores are telling me too different things. One says I can just put in a bulb and it will be fine then the other says no you need atleast 190 watts. So here I am clueless. Saw this light online JBJ Power compact Aquarium Lighting 36" 192 watt. Will that work? Planning on putting anemoene's and some other kinds of things like that, see very new at this LOL!!!
Thanks in advance for any help.


I don't think an anemone would be thrive under 192w of PC. If you wanna have an anemone, MH is the way to go although they are a little more $$$.
Anemones are really nice but they are really really really really hard to take care for. So you may wanna keep that in mind. If you wanna give your clown a little home, you can always go with other corals that are not as tough. Many clowns do host some kind of toadstool. They have alot less requirement than all those anemone out there. Just a thought.


New Member
Hey Flame Angel what part of Ill. are you in ? I am in Pekin
I like to keep clams and I am trying to decide what lights I want to run on my new 150:scared:


Active Member
I'm with ivan. MH is the way. Your tank needs to mature for at least 6 months to a year before an anenome. What's the dimentions on that tank?


New Member
The tank is 150 gal. Perfecto Jetstream extra high it is 48 long 24 front to backand 30 inches tall,I had a 75 in the same place so I wanted to stay 4 foot long to fit the same area between 2 windows. I'm buying my lights from Petsupply liquidators in Wilton Cal. it is a custom 48 inch hood with 2-400watt 20,000K metal halides, 4-65watt PC's,and a strip of 15-1watt LED moon lights . It has 2-4 inch fans and all lights have seperate cords and switches so I can run dusk to dawn set-up the cost is 729.00 plus 80.00 shipping,it is a really nice light and should light the tank all the way to the bottom. Now it's time to buythe filtration system and I am looking at Lifereef out of Denver Col.


New Member
Thanks , Lifereef is filling orders for August now so it will be awhile before I am ready to buy rock any suggestions out there?:D