Lighting Question


I would like to get some corals for my tank, now I know I need stronger lights, I believe I was told about 175 watts. But the thing is all I can find is 15 watt bulbs. Where can I find bulbs with such high wattage and will my light fixtures be able to handle them? (I have a 55 gal with two 24"x13" tops on it.) Thank you!!


I use that much wattage on my 20 gallon tank. This particular aquarium I have had for 34 years now, so it has seen a lot of being the main one.
I started with one standard florescent tube, then 4 then, then 2 day bulbs and 2 atenics, then 2 55watt compact 50/50's, then 4 55 watt 3? and 1 atenic and now 175 HQI MH with a 20 watt atenic. I love the color and the natural shimmer of the water. Best of all my clams and corals are very happy.
But what I'm really getting at is, first decide what you want to keep and what do you want to accomplish? Then figure out what do you need, MH? I spent a lot of money over the years getting to where I am now...I would have been better off doing it right the first time.