Lighting question


I have a 75 gallon tank with 440 watts of pc lighting if I set a BTA up close to the lights on top of lr and fed it regularly would it be ok.
p.s. 440 watts of pc in a 75 is roughly 5 watts per gallon


Active Member
Well it seems out of most of the anemones the BTA is able to live under less lights, in fact mine goes to the part of my tank with the most shade (I have 250w MH). I highly highly suggest you try to find a aquacultured clone, this will be much much hardier than other BTA's. You may have to spend a bit more, but it will be well worth the money.


I have mine under 208 watts in a 37 gallon about 5.6 watts per gallon and she moves a lot. She hides in holes between rocks. I read that she eventually will climatize to the light and come out, just let her move on her own will.


Bubble tips are pretty hardy and will do fine in most conditions granted the water and flow are acceptable.
Ive had them under 260 watts of pc doing just fine.
Also when you put it in there it will find its own place to call home .. they may wander for a while before settling down.


Sergeant how did you get 207 wats in a 24" system? It is a 24" long.. right? Or you do you have MH? Because i have a 24" 36 gal and i only have 130 wats....


I have a 37 gallon Eclipse tank. The top part was replace by a hood and I put a retro kit in it. I have two 96 watts power quads and two 13 watts pc's to simulate dawn and dusk. I only had 30"L by 10" W to put the kit in it so I had to cut the corners of the reflector to fit it in.


I know that 96 watts x 2 = 192.
I also added two 13 watts pc's 7"
The actual number is 218 watts give or take.
I dont have a current pic of the full hood finished but I hope this gives you the idea.