Lighting Question

delta lady

New Member
My 76 gallon bow tank is a week old now. I purchased it from someone. I also purchased the lighting with the tank. It was set up as a reef tank before I purchased it. There are four bulbs in the lighting unit; two seem to be a bluish color and the other two more whitish. Question, should a light be on at all times? If so, which light should be on and when? I only have two clowns, a damsel, two hermit crabs, a turbo snail and about 5lbs of live rock in the tank right now.

bang guy

Use a timer and set a lighting schedule for them to be on between 8 and 14 hours per day every day. I would suggest 12 on and 12 off.

delta lady

New Member
That's good to know. I have been turning the light on in the morning and turning it off at night. I guess that means that it is on for about 12 hours per day. I will go ahead and invest in a timer. Thanks a bunch.