Lighting question...


I currently have a 55G with 260w of PC lighting. I am wanting to upgrade to either the 95 wave tank which is 48" or the 120 48" tank. My question is can I use my current light towards the back or middle of tank where I would plan on keeping the majority of my live rock and BT anenome? Would that be ok since the light would be directly over them or would I need brighter lights. I plan on putting a trigger(blur throat or niger) and hopefully either a Yellow or Purple tang, so I want to leave a lot of swimming room in the front of the tank. Would this work?? Any Opinions would be great thanks!


Do you plan on going reef down the road,or are you keeping it like you have now?If you are not going to go reef then i think you should be fine with the lighting you have!


Right now the only corals I have are a few zoos, GSP which I am nursing back to health b/c it was covered with mushrooms and a torch coral(which I am thining of trading in for something else) those are the extent of my corals...and the only ones that are my favorites are the zoos which do not require a whole lot of light. That would be the extent of my corals...but if I keep them and move them to the bigger tank, would it be ok as long as they were directly below the light? i would think so but I wanted some more opinions...thanks!


Yeah i think you will be fine,but you do know your trigger might eat your zoos or any other corals.I want one also but i am not willing to give up my reef for him just yet lol,but once i finish my cycle on my 190gal it will be my new reef and the 55 will then get a trigger and some type of eel. :yes: Back to your question though,i think you will be fine!


I was thinking a Blue Throat b/c they are ment to be the most reef safe...and they are beautiful! Get a small eel like mine! its so pretty....looks just like a ribbon eel, but they eat! I had my LFS here in Ft Laud special order it for me right before last months Aquarium Fish came out with it featured in it...its beaufitul and under 40$ well worth the $$! good luck with the 190G!