lighting question


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Originally Posted by nanocube24
To tell the truth waterpolo, I'm not sure what I'm going to get yet. I am doing the reading and research now, so that when I have a fully cycled tank I can go nuts! This is my first crack at SW, so I am digging up anything to read that I can. (pics help too)
Jerth, when are they coming out with the MH bolt on? That sounds like a great solution. Do you have any pics of your tank? How long has it been running?
Thanks again!
Sorry went to be for a bit! Been sick all week! Old picture! I will get nep pix at the end of the month when I get my new system!


Awesome Jerth! I found the page on the Nano homepage that talks about it, sounds pretty cool! Post more pics, PLEASE!!!!


I have a montipora in my 24g with stock lights. They supoosedly need strong lights, but this guy does fine. He does get sunlight at certain times of day too.


Active Member
More pix of my tank! Still old pix but you get the gist of it!!! Can't wait till I see them with my upcoming lighting!!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by Appaloosa1
I have a montipora in my 24g with stock lights. They supoosedly need strong lights, but this guy does fine. He does get sunlight at certain times of day too.
how long have you had it for? And you don't get an over abundance of alge in your tank form the direct sun light?


Awesome pics Jerth!! Just got home from work with 15 hermits and 15 snails. They are really working over the LR. To answer your ?, I just bought it on Saturday, so algea isn't a problem just yet. I can't wait till it is!!


Originally Posted by nanocube24
Awesome pics Jerth!! Just got home from work with 15 hermits and 15 snails. They are really working over the LR. To answer your ?, I just bought it on Saturday, so algea isn't a problem just yet. I can't wait till it is!!

Good, you got your snails and crabs like I said. :jumping:


Active Member
kinda keep an eye on your snails and Hermits... didn't realize that you hadn't had it up that long..... might lose some of them with the inital spike before you cycle! And there nothing that you can do to stop it........... I hope you don't lose many!
That is way soon for them! I waited 4 weeks... and mine cycled in 3 weeks!


Originally Posted by Jerth6932
kinda keep an eye on your snails and Hermits... didn't realize that you hadn't had it up that long..... might lose some of them with the inital spike before you cycle! And there nothing that you can do to stop it........... I hope you don't lose many!
That is way soon for them! I waited 4 weeks... and mine cycled in 3 weeks!
Yeah I was hoping you weren't going to buy then so soon. You got the right amount. Props for that but you could of waited. But here is an idea. The ones you lose, remember to count so say if you lost like 2 crabs, remember to replace with 2 crabs.
Good luck


Active Member
maybe they will speed up the cycling process!!! And that was a good amount!! (Bad to say cause any loss is HORRIBLE, but at least you chose something that was kinda cheap and expendable!!) I know bad to say.... but I don't want to come down really hard!!!


Originally Posted by Jerth6932
maybe they will speed up the cycling process!!! And that was a good amount!! (Bad to say cause any loss is HORRIBLE, but at least you chose something that was kinda cheap and expendable!!) I know bad to say.... but I don't want to come down really hard!!!

It will speed up the cycling process and you will not get algae blooms because you already reall prepared but just make sure that any crabs or snails you lose, you replace.


I was wondering about that. I have cycled dozens of fresh water tanks, but though maybe the LR/LS would change the cycle somehow. Oh well, live and learn.


Active Member
you learned.... that is the whole thing!!!! But It makes it a bit easier for you .... to have something to watch, not just rocks!!!!!!!


Nothing yet WP. I was a little worried when I got home from work and flipped on the light today, there was a hermit not moving. I guess he was just catching a few ZZZ'S, 'cause he's been all over the place in the last hour. Thank you for the concern!
Considering 24 gallons with 10lbs LS and 19lbs LR, when should I see the ammonia spike?


Originally Posted by nanocube24
Considering 24 gallons with 10lbs LS and 19lbs LR, when should I see the ammonia spike?

Within 3-5 days. Maybe less.