lighting question


New Member
I've had my FOWLR for about 7 months. I want to get some corals (mushrooms). I bought my tank used with all the equip. Everything is great so far. Are these lights O.K. for corals. PL55W-AB actinic-blue and FPL-55W day light 10000k both are 4pin and about 20 inches long. I got a 29 gal 24x16x12deep tank. If not o.k. any advice on some inexpensive lighting and should my lights span all the way across the top. thanks


I would get new lights. If your lights are used they probably need new bulbs anyway. Orbit makes a nice 2x65 30" that will fit your 29. Then you can get rid of that egg crate and keep most softies I.M.O.


first you need to decide what u wnat to keep.
if its just soft t5's imo
but if ur like me and say soft, and in 3 months want hard got with a t5 mh combo or mh vho combo.


Spend the money now for what you will prob end up wanting in the future. Corals are addicting. There are sooo many amazing ones out there. Its very hard to stop at just some mushrooms. If you spend the money on the right equipment now, in the long run it will save you money. You will prob just end up replacing whatever inexpensive lighting system you purchase now for a more expensive and better one later. Good luck with your decision.


Need 3 -5 watts per gallon...right? I would think that would be fine for mushrooms but more wattage for other things.