Lighting Question


This may seem like a simple question but it has sure been baffling me!
I currently have a 150watt MH Pendant with 14k bullb above my 25 gallon tank. It sits about 8-10 inches from the top ( I can move it though to whatever high).
Whenever I read various coral descriptions it will say " Lighing: Strong or Medium"
What exactly does this mean? I havent really figured out what points in my tank are considered low, medium, strong based on my lighting and tank dimensions.
I have kind been guessing as to where its considering strong or low lol , and I would like to have some clarification.
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
With that being over a 25gal, you have high lighting pretty much all over the tank, the corners may have a little less, also below any rock overhangs, you can raise or lower to spread the light out more or less, as I'm sure you know. What are you mainly trying to keep?


Originally Posted by trippkid
With that being over a 25gal, you have high lighting pretty much all over the tank, the corners may have a little less, also below any rock overhangs, you can raise or lower to spread the light out more or less, as I'm sure you know. What are you mainly trying to keep?
I figured most of it would be considered high but I wasnt sure. I do have several areas though that are under rock over hangs and other "shady" places for the more low light liking corals.
I currently have xenias, mushrooms, torch , frogspawn, and some zoo's


Active Member
The shrooms may not like all that light, but everything else should be happy(very). You really should be able to keep whatever(as far as lighting goes), as long as your water quality is good. Good luck


Originally Posted by trippkid
The shrooms may not like all that light, but everything else should be happy(very). You really should be able to keep whatever(as far as lighting goes), as long as your water quality is good. Good luck
Actualy the mushrooms are loving it. I bought it just as one tiny mushroom and now he is giant (about 2 inches) and I have about 10 now.


Active Member
That's great, I guess some don't mind, mine seem to do best in the shady areas of my tank, they all seem to migrate there over time.