Lighting Question


Hi I have a 60 gal tank currentally I am running two 48" Juno lights, I think they are power compact they each have 4 2 colored lights with a funny plug like a 4 pin socket.
I am also running 5 Neptune moonlights.
I think I need to switch to metal Halide but I am confused with all the different wattages
I am running a 60 gallon now but I am looking to upgrade to a 90 or bigger but the same size tank just taller as I just had a stand and canapy custom made.
The canapy is 12" tall so it can handle the metal halide I just need to know what size and how many I should use.
Also does anyone use the Neptune moonlights? If so what are the hours they need to be on mine seem to turn on after 11pm and are still on at 9 am and I havent figured out what time they are basing it on so I dont know if they are set up wrong. California time


Active Member
For SPS tank
You can’t go wrong with 2X250 MH lots of heat though
You may not have the room for all you have now with the 2X250 MH
Check out
New T5 High Output
New T6 Very High Output Power Compact


Active Member
I would definitely use 2x250w metal halides especially if you plan on upgrading to a 90 gal. You might not be able to fit both of them so you could just get on then add another down the road if you do end up upgrading. You should also get a t-5 actinic supplement for the halides for transitioning between day and night. I am going to switch over to MH pretty soon. I am still in the process of building my canopy. Good luck.


I figured I was going to remove the other lights to add the metal halides do I still want to use the power compacts?


Active Member
It depends. If you want you could change the bulbs to actinics to supplement the metal halides. But it is all preference. If it were me, I would sell them and get t-5s for the supplement for the metal halides.


ok I have been searching all over and there are so many different types of metal halide out there with different watts and kelvins. I think I want 2 250 like others have suggested but what kalvins do I want? This is really confussing. Right now I have 3 clams and some zoos with mushrooms if that makes a difference. I plan on getting more corals but think the lights need to come first also I have seen different named bulbs such as ushio, sunburst, hamiltion and so forth what would be best please help.