Lighting question


Well the time has come that I am considering upgrading my lights - currently I have a 48" long fixture with 2 24" eclipse T8 daylight bulbs. I know may here say metal halides are the best, others seem to really like power compacts, etc. I am trying to do this project for as little money as possible, so think halides are pretty much out of the question - not too mention halides would be overkill for what I am wanting to do with this tank.
This tank is pretty much a training tank for me, I would like to get some soft corals to start (mushrooms etc.) and then graduate to some of the easier more exotic corals - no SPS for a long time.
I have been looking around at sites, and am getting quite confused about all the terms being thrown around - is a retrofit kit the same as a DIY kit?
As far as expense goes right now I have 200 bucks to spend and am torn as how I want to spend it - part of me wants to buy rocks and a new fish, as well as some other hardware I have been putting off, but if I could either build a lighting kit or get one for a reasonable price (I dont really know what I need as far as requirements go) I would probably opt to buy the light now and wait a few more weeks to get the other stuff.
Any wisdom, ideas, or comments are appreciated.
when i was looking into lights i kept seeing coralife lights they have 2 different types per size i forget the watts on the 48s but i think the lowest which has a single bulbe but has white and blue lights on it it about 140 watts. dont quote me on that but you should be able to get one of these for the price you want to spend. i have the 36"at 96watts. and all the lfs stores said this would work for most of what i may go with not all but most.
hope this help some.


i just went through a similar situation... I went for a 4 X 55w PC hood...real nice and bright... i actually just got it in the mail and haven't even set it on my tank yet... now i'm convinced Metal halides are the way to go ( i want clams :) ) So now i have a brand new 4X55 pc light just sitting there, i may just fill it with actintics and still use it.
Basically my point is don't fall into the trap i did. If i would have got what i wanted from the start it would have been cheaper... not to mention if you happen to loose a coral because of lack of light, then you have to factor that into the cost equation...
sorry no easy answers, but i really liked power compacts as a start... but if you are going to upgrade later i might just wait till you can get some nice MH.
PS. if you want to purchase my hood email me :)


I agree with mvogel2 but for just softies shrooms and such pc's or VHO will do fine. but if you ever want clams or SPS corals then the MH are what you are going to need. but the price is kinda high. you can get it cheaper looking for a used setup from a local reefer that is upgrading or switching lights on their tank.
I assume this is a 50-55 gallon tank being 48 inches.
I used 4 55 watt pc's on my 50 and good success with it. about what money are you wanting to spend on lights.
retro kits are primarily put together except the wirung you get all the individual componets. but you have to put them into a canopy or other hood type thing.
the pc 2 55 watt retros that I got came with ballast reflectors and wiring for 2 bulbs for about $65 bulbs are another 25+ each. I got 2 of them and bulbs I think i spent around 225 or something like that. if you want the addy to check out send me an email at and I will send the link to ya.


Thanks for the replies thus far. I have been looking at the coralife lights but wanted to stay under the 200 price tag, and the ones I have seen seem to be a bit over that, which is why I was considering a DIY project.
But from what it sounds like I think going with something already built may be the best bet, and I may just wait for a couple more months to get the lights, and spend this money on some more rock and other hardware that I have been putting off on getting.
Thanks for the replies - if anyone else has any ideas on a cheap way to upgrade lights let me know.


I don't know if you are running a canopy or not. If you are I would recommend going with VHO or PC (retrofit/diy). That way when you are ready to move up to MH lights all you need to do is make the existing bulbs actinics if that's what you prefer.
Just a thought but the easiest way to keep from spending a lot more later. Wish I'd thought about it more when I was first starting out. Good luck